Telegram Logos and App Screenshots


Please feel free to use these Telegram logos for article illustrations, graphs, “forward to Telegram” buttons, etc. Just make sure people understand you're not representing Telegram officially.

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All Telegram screenshots on this page are dedicated to the public domain, see CC0 1.0 Universal. Click on images to download hi-res versions.

List of chats, main screen of the Telegram app

List of chats

A group chat with 2,500 members and a poll

Group chat with poll

A secret chat with disappearing media as viewed on a device with dark mode enabled

Secret chat using a dark theme

A private chat with a user, open sticker panel

Private chat with stickers

Shared media section, accessible from a contact's profile page

Shared media section from a chat

Group chat, dowloading a large file in progress

Group chat with a downloading file